181.For the case of flow of air past a wet bulb thermometer (air water vapour system), the approximate value of h2/ky.Cz is around
Correct answer: (C)
182.For the flow of gases through a capillary, with increase in temperature, the permeability _________ as per Knudsen law.
Correct answer: (A)
183.For the gas absorption, the height of a transfer unit, based on the gas phase is given by (G: superficial molar gas velocity, L: superficial molar liquid velocity, FG: mass transfer co-efficient, moles/m2, a: interfacial area per unit volume of tower)
Correct answer: (A)
G/(FG . a)
184.For the same feed, feed quality and separation (in a distillation column), with the increase of total pressure, the number of ideal plates will
Correct answer: (A)
185.For the same process conditions, the reflux ratio of an unlagged distillation column
Correct answer: (B)
Increases in winter
186.For the same system, if the same liquid used in an absorber is decreased, the tower height will
Correct answer: (A)
187.For turbulent mass transfer in pipes, the Sherwood number depends on the Reynolds number as
Correct answer: (C)
188.For water-ethanol system, the minimum reflux ratio
Correct answer: (A)
Is computed from the slope of the upper operating line that is tangent to the equilibrium curve
189.For which of the following unit operations, Lewis number is of significance?
Correct answer: (D)
190.Fractional solvent extraction
Correct answer: (B)
Employs two solvents