Furnace Technology

61.Main gas valve in a gaseous fuel burner is a _________ valve.

  1. Gate
  2. Butterfly
  3. Globe
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)

62.Maximum heat transfer in high temperature furnaces is by

  1. Conduction
  2. Convection
  3. Radiation
  4. Either (A), (B) or (C); depends on the type of furnace

Correct answer: (C)

63.Maximum thermal efficiency of boiler may be about _________ percent.

  1. 10
  2. 25
  3. 65
  4. 90

Correct answer: (D)

64.Means for giving direction to the circulation of gases in furnaces are

  1. Fans
  2. Arrangement of heating stock in the furnaces
  3. Location of outlet ports and heating & combustion devices
  4. All (A), (B) and (C)

Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) and (C)

65.Metallic recuperators are not used for waste heat recovery, if the hot flue gas temperature is above _________ °C, because corrosion prevails at higher temperatures.

  1. 350
  2. 750
  3. 1050
  4. 1250

Correct answer: (B)

66.Neutral atmosphere is maintained in a/an _________ furnace.

  1. Cold rolled steel coil annealing
  2. Open hearth
  3. Soaking pit
  4. Walking beam reheating

Correct answer: (A)
Cold rolled steel coil annealing

67.Operation of blast furnace stove is based on the principles of a _________ furnace.

  1. Regenerative
  2. Recuperative
  3. Both (A) and (B)
  4. Neither (A) nor (B)

Correct answer: (A)

68.Ostwald charts are meant for

  1. Computing the excess/deficiency of combustion air
  2. Calculation of flue gas temperature
  3. Computation of flue gas analysis
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)
Computing the excess/deficiency of combustion air

69.Out of the following fuels used in a furnace exhausting flue gas at a temperature of 600°C, the percentage stack loss will be maximum in case of complete combustion of

  1. Furnace oil with air
  2. Furnace oil with oxygen
  3. Blast furnace gas with air
  4. Blast furnace gas with oxygen

Correct answer: (C)
Blast furnace gas with air

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