51.In furnaces operating at very high temperature (say) 1250°C, e.g. soaking pit), the maximum heat transfer takes place by
Correct answer: (C)
52.In low or standard frequency induction furnace, heat is produced by the
Correct answer: (B)
Induction and resistance
53.In order to maintain an oxidising atmosphere in a furnace, it should have
Correct answer: (A)
More of excess air
54.In practical operation of any furnace, zero oxygen percentage or theoretical CO2 percentage in flue gas is rarely achieved, because of
Correct answer: (C)
Imperfect mixing of fuel & air and infiltration of air
55.In producer gas making furnace, steam is added along with air to mainly control the
Correct answer: (A)
Fusion of coal ash & clinker formation
56.In reverberatory furnace, charge is heated mainly by
Correct answer: (C)
Radiation of heat from the roof of the combustion chamber
57.In salt bath furnace, heat is transferred to the charge mainly by
Correct answer: (A)
58.In which of the waste heat recovery equipment, the flow of flue gas and air is alternately reversed after a fixed interval of time?
Correct answer: (B)
59.Ingress of cold air in the furnaces through cracks, charging doors, openings etc.
Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) and (C)
60.Large tonnage of refractory bricks are dried in a
Correct answer: (C)
Tunnel kiln