Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

71. At normal boiling point, molar entropy of vaporisation is _________ Joule/K°.mole.

  1. 72
  2. 92
  3. 142
  4. 192

Correct answer: (B)

72. At the absolute zero temperature, the entropy of every perfectly crystalline substance becomes zero. This follows from the

  1. Third law of thermodynamics
  2. Second law of thermodynamics
  3. Nernst heat theorem
  4. Maxwell's relations

Correct answer: (A)
Third law of thermodynamics

73. At the critical point of a substance

  1. The surface tension vanishes
  2. Liquid and vapour have the same density
  3. There is no distinction between liquid and vapour phases
  4. All (A), (B) and (C)

Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) and (C)

74. At triple point (for one component system), vapour pressure of solid as compared to that of liquid will be

  1. More
  2. Less
  3. Same
  4. More or less; depending on the system

Correct answer: (C)

75. Boiling of liquid is accompanied with increase in the

  1. Vapor pressure
  2. Specific Gibbs free energy
  3. Specific entropy
  4. All (A), (B) and (C)

Correct answer: (A)
Vapor pressure

76. Boyle's law for gases states that

  1. P ∝ 1/V, when temperature is constant
  2. P ∝ 1/V, when temperature & mass of the gas remain constant
  3. P ∝ V, at constant temperature & mass of the gas
  4. P/V = constant, for any gas

Correct answer: (B)
P ∝ 1/V, when temperature & mass of the gas remain constant

77. Cp of a gas at its critical temperature and pressure

  1. Becomes zero
  2. Becomes infinity
  3. Equals 1 kcal/kmol °K
  4. Equals 0.24 kcal/kmol °K

Correct answer: (B)
Becomes infinity

78. Change of heat content when one mole of compound is burnt in oxygen at constant pressure is called the

  1. Calorific value
  2. Heat of reaction
  3. Heat of combustion
  4. Heat of formation

Correct answer: (C)
Heat of combustion

79. Change of state namely evaporation condensation, freezing and melting is an _________ process.

  1. Isothermal
  2. Adiabatic
  3. Isobaric
  4. Isochoric

Correct answer: (A)

80. Charles' law for gases states that

  1. V/T = Constant
  2. V ∝ 1/T
  3. V ∝ 1/P
  4. PV/T = Constant

Correct answer: (A)
V/T = Constant

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