Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

21. A cyclic engine exchanges heat with two reservoirs maintained at 100 and 300°C respectively. The maximum work (in J) that can be obtained from 1000 J of heat extracted from the hot reservoir is

  1. 349
  2. 651
  3. 667
  4. 1000

Correct answer: (A)

22. A cylinder contains 640 gm of liquid oxygen. The volume occupied (in litres) by the oxygen, when it is released and brought to standard conditions (0°C, 760 mm Hg) will be _________ litres.

  1. 448
  2. 224
  3. 22.4
  4. Data insufficient; can't be computed

Correct answer: (A)

23. A domestic refrigerator has a/an _________ cooled condenser.

  1. Water
  2. Air
  3. Evaporative
  4. Gas

Correct answer: (B)

24. A gas can be liquefied by pressure alone only, when its temperature is _________ its critical temperature.

  1. Less than
  2. More than
  3. Equal to or higher than
  4. Less than or equal to

Correct answer: (D)
Less than or equal to

25. A gas has a volume of 27.3 c.c. at 0°C. Its volume at 10°C (if pressure remains unchanged) will be _________ c.c.

  1. 2.73
  2. 28.3
  3. 273
  4. 283

Correct answer: (B)

26. A gas mixture of three components is brought in contact with a dispersion of an organic phase in water. The degree of freedom of the system is

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6

Correct answer: (A)

27. A gas performs the maximum work, when it expands

  1. Non-uniformly
  2. Adiabatically
  3. Isobarically
  4. Isothermally

Correct answer: (C)

28. A gas shows deviation from ideal behaviour at

  1. Low pressure and high temperature
  2. Low pressure and low temperature
  3. Low temperature and high pressure
  4. High temperature and high pressure

Correct answer: (C)
Low temperature and high pressure

29. A large iceberg melts at the base, but not at the top, because of the reason that

  1. Ice at the base contains impurities which lowers its melting point
  2. Due to the high pressure at the base, its melting point reduces
  3. The iceberg remains in a warmer condition at the base
  4. All (A), (B) and (C)

Correct answer: (B)
Due to the high pressure at the base, its melting point reduces

30. A liquid under pressure greater than its vapour pressure for the temperature involved is called a _________ liquid.

  1. Sub-cooled
  2. Saturated
  3. Non-solidifiable
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)

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