Chemical Engineering Basics

61. A fire tube boiler is limited to a maximum steam pressure of about __________ kg/cm2.

  1. 6
  2. 18
  3. 38
  4. 52

Correct answer: (B)

62. A fluid is termed as the Newtonian fluid, when the shear stress is __________ the velocity gradient.

  1. Independent of
  2. Inversely proportional to
  3. Directly proportional to
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (C)
Directly proportional to

63. A form of stress corrosion failure termed as 'season cracking' is generally observed in

  1. Thermosetting polymers
  2. High carbon steels
  3. Brasses
  4. Borosilicate glasses

Correct answer: (C)

64. A furnace is made of a refractory brick wall of thickness 0.5 metre and thermal conductivity 0.7 W/m.°K For the same temperature drop and heat loss, this refractory wall can be replaced by a layer of diatomaceous earth of thermal conductivity 0.14 W/m.K and thickness __________ metre.

  1. 0.01
  2. 0.1
  3. 0.25
  4. 0.5

Correct answer: (B)

65. A gas which is collected over water becomes moistened due to water vapor, exerts its own partial pressure at the gas temperature, which is termed as its

  1. Aqueous tension
  2. Saturated humidity
  3. Vapor pressure
  4. Absolute humidity

Correct answer: (A)
Aqueous tension

66. A high pressure boiler generates steam at a pressure greater than __________ kg/cm2.

  1. 10
  2. 30
  3. 50
  4. 80

Correct answer: (D)

67. A highly elastic material is deformed least on loading and retains its original form on removal of the load. Which of the following is the most elastic material?

  1. Steel
  2. Glass
  3. Rubber
  4. Brass

Correct answer: (A)

68. A jet engine turbine blade is normally manufactured by

  1. Forging
  2. Shell moulding
  3. Investment casting
  4. Pressure die casting

Correct answer: (C)
Investment casting

69. A jig is used while __________ a hole.

  1. Boring
  2. Counter boring
  3. Drilling
  4. Enlarging

Correct answer: (C)

70. A material being tested for endurance strength is subjected to the __________ load.

  1. Impact
  2. Completely reversed
  3. Dynamic
  4. Static & dynamic

Correct answer: (B)
Completely reversed

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